Gender-Specific Distribution of Hematological Parameters in Adults Living in Nouna, Burkina Faso

T. Böhler*, a, G. Kynast-Wolfb, B. Coulibalyc, A. Siè c, A. Kapaun b
a Department of Virology, and
b Department of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, University of Heidelberg, Germany
c Nouna Health Research Centre, Nouna, Burkina Faso

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© 2008 Böhler et al.

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We examined the distribution of hematological parameters in 186 adults (89 female, 97 male) living in Nouna, Burkina Faso. Median (5th – 95th percentile) hemoglobin concentration was 12.6 [10.3-15.3] g/dl, which was lower than reported from other populations in Africa. Iron deficiency may be the most important reason for this observation.

Keywords: Anemia, hemoglobin, red blood cell indices.